In case you are living under a rock, Shadow Brokers dumped all kinds of remote exploits for Windows today.
Official Microsoft Response: ... ting-risk/
Allegedly it's all fixed In MS17-010. I actually just got a MS17-010 uncredentialed scanner pulled into Metasploit master repo today, and then NSA shows me up with the full RCEs.
Other Analysis ... anslation/ ... lt-strike/ ... t-attacks/
My Initial Analysis
FuzzBunch- Metasploit written in Python. Pain in the ass to get the dependencies working, use an older x86 box is the tip.
coli-0.dll- All exploits' main exploit "Run" function is passed as a pointer to a wrapper. This is a framework.
tibe-2.dll- A nice SMB library, I wish it was open source. Pretty easy to reverse though.
DoublePulsar- claimed to be a ring-0 malware for pretty much all versions of modern Windows. I reversed the DoublePulsar.exe and it looks more like the C&C server, not the malware payload (I say this because it wraps itself in coli-0.dll like the exploits do). There's a few driver .sys files deep, they have entries which just spawn threads, and I'm unsure of if they are part of the payloads. I'm still digging through everything looking for the meat and potatoes here.
Eternalblue- Reversing this one is what you would expect, confusing with lots of threads. I'm assuming race condition, it simultaneously exploits SMBv1 and SMBv2. I think Google's protobuf may be statically linked, there were string references to .c files, and lots of stupid functions to reverse. This also seems to exploit Cairo, an undocumented SMB LanMan alternative.
Eternalromance- Very easy to reverse. No symbols or anything, but most of the functions have debug print statements with the original function names. Has 3 exploit "methods", which all have a different "danger zone" before trickle into a common function. Looks like it does a lot of memory "grooming", aka remote heap feng shui?
Official Microsoft Response: ... ting-risk/
Allegedly it's all fixed In MS17-010. I actually just got a MS17-010 uncredentialed scanner pulled into Metasploit master repo today, and then NSA shows me up with the full RCEs.
Other Analysis ... anslation/ ... lt-strike/ ... t-attacks/
My Initial Analysis
FuzzBunch- Metasploit written in Python. Pain in the ass to get the dependencies working, use an older x86 box is the tip.
coli-0.dll- All exploits' main exploit "Run" function is passed as a pointer to a wrapper. This is a framework.
tibe-2.dll- A nice SMB library, I wish it was open source. Pretty easy to reverse though.
DoublePulsar- claimed to be a ring-0 malware for pretty much all versions of modern Windows. I reversed the DoublePulsar.exe and it looks more like the C&C server, not the malware payload (I say this because it wraps itself in coli-0.dll like the exploits do). There's a few driver .sys files deep, they have entries which just spawn threads, and I'm unsure of if they are part of the payloads. I'm still digging through everything looking for the meat and potatoes here.
Eternalblue- Reversing this one is what you would expect, confusing with lots of threads. I'm assuming race condition, it simultaneously exploits SMBv1 and SMBv2. I think Google's protobuf may be statically linked, there were string references to .c files, and lots of stupid functions to reverse. This also seems to exploit Cairo, an undocumented SMB LanMan alternative.
Eternalromance- Very easy to reverse. No symbols or anything, but most of the functions have debug print statements with the original function names. Has 3 exploit "methods", which all have a different "danger zone" before trickle into a common function. Looks like it does a lot of memory "grooming", aka remote heap feng shui?