Hi there =)
Today i want to share some code which tries to implement this idea.
I know the title is kind of confusing. By "self-relocatable" i mean the code that is capable of constantly moving itself in memory while keeping execution.
I'm planning to write an article about this. But before i do, i want to be sure that it is worth the effort. Maybe it will turn out as pure theoretical work, with no practical application.
At first sight this might look like a perfect technique for rootkits.
Would it be difficult to detect / prevent / disinfect such a thing on a live system?
Attachment contain the source code.
It relocates every n-seconds, as an example payload it prints processes creation / termination events.
When executed you should see something like this in debug output...
Tested with Windows XP / 7 / 8 Developer Preview (x86).
I would like to hear yours thoughts, opinions and critics about this. Thanks.
Today i want to share some code which tries to implement this idea.
I know the title is kind of confusing. By "self-relocatable" i mean the code that is capable of constantly moving itself in memory while keeping execution.
I'm planning to write an article about this. But before i do, i want to be sure that it is worth the effort. Maybe it will turn out as pure theoretical work, with no practical application.
At first sight this might look like a perfect technique for rootkits.
Would it be difficult to detect / prevent / disinfect such a thing on a live system?
Attachment contain the source code.
It relocates every n-seconds, as an example payload it prints processes creation / termination events.
When executed you should see something like this in debug output...
Tested with Windows XP / 7 / 8 Developer Preview (x86).
I would like to hear yours thoughts, opinions and critics about this. Thanks.
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