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 #23571  by Carlbyte
 Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:04 am
Is there a documented way to monitor APC messages and context switch? Currently I do this using the hook procedure, but I wonder if there is a callback function that does this monitoring.

something like "CmRegisterCallback" routine to monitor the registry.
 #23584  by EP_X0FF
 Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:24 pm
Carlbyte wrote:Is there a documented way to monitor APC messages and context switch? Currently I do this using the hook procedure, but I wonder if there is a callback function that does this monitoring.

something like "CmRegisterCallback" routine to monitor the registry.
Do you mean something like KiSwapContextCallback?
You have only a system information subset here.

What about APC, well Windows doesn't have even a way to simple query if thread is alertable (maybe some undocumented stuff released in Win8.1, didn't checked), not documented or semi-documented, except direct access to ETHREAD->KTHREAD->Alertable from KM.

All these are hacks, so hook and enjoy.
 #23587  by Vrtule
 Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:58 pm

if you are interested in monitoring normal user APCs targetted at certain application, you can hook ntdll!KiUserApcDispatcher in its address space.
 #23594  by Carlbyte
 Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:01 am
Thanks guys ...

I read something about problems trying to hook in new versions of windows. Something about microsoft have created a tool to monitor the system and overturn drivers that make hook. How is this issue?
 #23599  by Vrtule
 Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:37 am
Carlbyte wrote:Thanks guys ...

I read something about problems trying to hook in new versions of windows. Something about microsoft have created a tool to monitor the system and overturn drivers that make hook. How is this issue?
This mechanism is called Patchguard and is present since Windows XP x64 on all 64-bit versions of Windows. It is looking for modifications made in certain driver (ntoskrnl.exe, ntfs.sys...) and data structures (SSDT, IDT, GDT...). When it detects such a modification a BSOD occurr.

Although it prevents code modifications, you can still be able to modify global variables of a driver that is under monitoring. Perhaps, some of them are monitored too, but not all of them.