I need to load a WFP filter driver and want it to load on Windows 7 boot up. How would this be done properly ? I recall using Service Control Manager some time ago for a non WFP driver. I would appreciate any links to code that will load a WFP driver and I would like for the driver to load on each system boot up. Last question does a WFP have to load on a Windows reboot ?
How would this be done properly ?"Properly" is to use a .INF file containing your driver installation and start information such as start type, loader order group etc. However, it's not required as you can use SCM directly and any registry values that may not be created you can then create by hand, it's an old trick to load mini-filter drivers the same way without needing a .INF file. It's recommended by Microsoft that WFP drivers load at boot, this way as soon as the filtering engine starts up your filters are installed at the earliest phase possible.
does a WFP have to load on a Windows reboot ?No, you can use SCM and have it start on demand, it doesn't have to be at boot.
An example .INF file can be seen here for callout drivers
https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-dr ... Driver.InX