they don't like my old Delphi :)
they don't like my old Delphi :)
Ring0 - the source of inspiration
A forum for reverse engineering, OS internals and malware analysis
rkhunter wrote:ESET and Avira failed on files with only execute permission.perhaps i read wrong, but avira is unter
http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/ ... 0/threaded
markusg wrote:You are correct, not avira.rkhunter wrote:ESET and Avira failed on files with only execute permission.perhaps i read wrong, but avira is unter
http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/ ... 0/threaded
Non-vulnerable applications:
MsgBox(0x0, "Hello World", "Hello World")
File name: t[36].phpt[36].php is Win32 executable with such fantastic payload inside.
Submission date: 2011-11-27 03:17:09 (UTC)
Current status: finished
Result: 1/ 43 (2.3%)
SUPERAntiSpyware 2011.11.26 Trojan.Dropper/Gen-PHP
.text:00401000 public start
.text:00401000 start proc near
.text:00401000 push 0 ; uExitCode
.text:00401002 call ds:ExitProcess
.text:00401002 start endp
00401040 >/$ 6A 00 PUSH 0
00401042 |. 0000 ADD BYTE PTR DS:[EAX],AL
00401044 |. 005B 81 ADD BYTE PTR DS:[EBX-7F],BL
00401047 \. C3 RETN
00401048 9B DB 9B
00401049 02 DB 02
0040104A 00 DB 00
0040104B 00 DB 00
0040104C 53 DB 53 ; CHAR 'S'
0040104D F3 DB F3
0040104E . C3 RETN
0040104F . 15 08104000 ADC EAX,<&USER32.MessageBoxW>
00401054 . 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; /ExitCode = 0
00401056 . FF15 00104000 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.ExitProces>; \ExitProcess
0040105C . C3 RETN
0040105D 90 NOP
0040105E 90 NOP
0040105F 90 NOP