It doesnt block Alt+Tab. It changes position of its own full screen form via short interval configured timer (50ms). If it were blocking Alt+Tab, then it will be unavailable on other desktops, while it is not.
From nullptr dump.
Code: Select allUPX1:0045256C _TForm1_Timer1Timer proc near ; DATA XREF: UPX1:00451D13o
UPX1:0045256C var_1C = byte ptr -1Ch
UPX1:0045256C push ebx
UPX1:0045256D push esi
UPX1:0045256E push edi
UPX1:0045256F add esp, 0FFFFFFF0h
UPX1:00452572 mov ebx, eax
UPX1:00452574 mov edi, offset dword_455BB8
UPX1:00452579 push 13h ; uFlags
UPX1:0045257B mov eax, [ebx+4Ch]
UPX1:0045257E push eax ; cy
UPX1:0045257F mov eax, [ebx+48h]
UPX1:00452582 push eax ; cx
UPX1:00452583 mov eax, [ebx+44h]
UPX1:00452586 push eax ; Y
UPX1:00452587 mov eax, [ebx+40h]
UPX1:0045258A push eax ; X
UPX1:0045258B push 0FFFFFFFFh ; hWndInsertAfter
UPX1:0045258D mov eax, ebx
UPX1:0045258F call @Controls@TWinControl@GetHandle$qqrv ; Controls::TWinControl::GetHandle(void)
UPX1:00452594 push eax ; hWnd
UPX1:00452595 call j_SetWindowPos
UPX1:0045259A mov eax, [edi]
UPX1:0045259C mov esi, [eax+44h]
UPX1:0045259F mov eax, esi
UPX1:004525A1 mov edx, [edi]
UPX1:004525A3 add eax, [edx+4Ch]
UPX1:004525A6 sub eax, 0
UPX1:004525A9 push eax
UPX1:004525AA lea eax, [esp+20h+var_1C]
UPX1:004525AE push eax
UPX1:004525AF mov eax, [edi]
UPX1:004525B1 mov ebx, [eax+40h]
UPX1:004525B4 mov ecx, ebx
UPX1:004525B6 mov eax, [edi]
UPX1:004525B8 add ecx, [eax+48h]
UPX1:004525BB sub ecx, 0
UPX1:004525BE mov edx, esi
UPX1:004525C0 mov eax, ebx
UPX1:004525C2 call sub_412A5C
UPX1:004525C7 push esp ; lpRect
UPX1:004525C8 call j_ClipCursor
UPX1:004525CD mov eax, offset _str_explorer_exe_0.Text
UPX1:004525D2 call FindAndKillProcess
UPX1:004525D7 mov eax, offset _str_taskmgr_exe.Text
UPX1:004525DC call FindAndKillProcess
UPX1:004525E1 add esp, 10h
UPX1:004525E4 pop edi
UPX1:004525E5 pop esi
UPX1:004525E6 pop ebx
UPX1:004525E7 retn
UPX1:004525E7 _TForm1_Timer1Timer endp