Buster_BSA wrote:I use it. I'm on 1.32.Mr.Bojangles wrote:log_api handle those ones already (except SWbemServices) and some others related to the things you mention.CreateToolhelp32Snapshotlog_api should at least handle those..lots more around virtual memory and threading. PE structs seem ok.
If you want, you can download last BSA package from here and review it. Then you can suggest improvments about things it misses.
-PEiD is obsolete now, and all the sigs for it are scattered and old anyway, use exeinfo instead.
-view connections is always grayed, I have wireshark and winpcap latest versions installed(win7 x64)
-In your malware analyses output note access to popular app authentication storage(this will snag a lot of kiddy malware as this is about all they do these days)
-do all loadlibrary variants
-refine interface
I haven't looked much into your stealth, I mainly just use it occasionally to test stuff, mostly .NET stuff where AVs really fail and I don't want to manually decrypt..