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 #5373  by R00tKit
 Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:01 am

in hook SSDT we use
Code: Select all
#define SYSTEMSERVICE(_name)  KeServiceDescriptorTable.ServiceTable[*(DWORD *) ((unsigned char *)_name + 1)]

why in above code we use " +1 " ?

in ssdt hook we hook Zw** or Nt** version finally ? when we pass Zw as parameter to above marco

i know the Zw** change pervious mode and call Nt** but what about hooking ?

SSDT store address of ZW or Nt* ? dps nt! KiServiceTable show only Nt* why?

i confused please help
 #5374  by EP_X0FF
 Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:15 am
geek1982 wrote:hi

in hook SSDT we use
Code: Select all
#define SYSTEMSERVICE(_name)  KeServiceDescriptorTable.ServiceTable[*(DWORD *) ((unsigned char *)_name + 1)]
why in above code we use " +1 " ?
To get index of service.
.text:00429768 ZwOpenTimer proc near
.text:00429768 TimerHandle = dword ptr 4
.text:00429768 DesiredAccess = dword ptr 8
.text:00429768 ObjectAttributes= dword ptr 0Ch
.text:00429768 mov eax, 83h
.text:0042976D lea edx, [esp+TimerHandle]
.text:00429771 pushf
.text:00429772 push 8
.text:00429774 call sub_46A451
.text:00429779 retn 0Ch
.text:00429779 ZwOpenTimer endp
where first instruction is
00429768: B8 83 00 00 00
You hook service routine because their table exported via KeServiceDescriptorTable

There is no sense in hooking Zw* functions.