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Forum for discussion about kernel-mode development.
 #24175  by Vrtule
 Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:05 pm

PnP devices might be connected through various kind of (device) relations. For example, devices connected to certain bus are tightened to the bus device via BusRelations. RemovalRelations are mostly used to represent disk-volume connection. TransportRelations seem to be used in the world of network devices.

Then, there is the SingleBusRelations type. I am failing to find any information about this it. Recently, I was reversing Volume Manager (volmgr.sys) a little bit and found that it uses this type when reporting device relation changes (IoInvalidateDeviceRelations) to PnP manager. But I don't know why it is doing so and what it actually wants to accomplish by such behavior.

Does anybody have some information about the SingleBusRelations relation type that he/she does not mind sharing?

Thanks in advance
 #24408  by m5home
 Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:42 am
You may be able to find the answer in the REACTOS source code.