Patrick wrote: 'top-tier' or 'the most sophisticated'.Where the threat level strickly depends on how much money they received from customers. Authors of the Intercept "great" article proclaimed there will be more "revelations". So more IRQL levels to checks, more "ddk" tags to discover and more overall "stealth" to uncover. I would rather interested to hear not any "new" articles from them, but a deep independent look on their own financial information. I think they got rich in a few months before. Morgan Marquis-Boire, Claudio Guarnieri, Ryan Gallagher - how much do they get paid to become "APT whores"? (just curious, maybe it worth it) :) If in case of Turla campaign customer was pretty much clear from the beginning (one of it contractors was painting fake Excel Turla distribution diagrams for their later report), in this case campaign customer maybe quite from the opposite side or its more difficult and this intended to be playing on the overall media hysteria.
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