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 #18641  by radikal
 Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:35 am
Can someone give readings to help me understand P2P networks, like superNodes, how are being built up IP lists of every bot and etc...

Thanks in advance, i guess many people are looking for this too...
 #18646  by EP_X0FF
 Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:02 am
Well it is protocol without tracker with bootstrap lists.

BitTorrent is your friend.

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1181 ... otstrapped
In BiTTorrent, you have three main options:
Torrent File: some torrent files can embed nodes for you to link into the DHT with (in fact, it's recommended when making a torrent file)
Hardcoding: Some torrent clients hard code a few bootstrap nodes (like the ones mentioned by stk). These are usually run by companies and organizations with long-running servers.
PEX / Peer Conversations: You can usually ask for DHT nodes from the people you are downloading other torrents from (if your clients understand eachothers language. ie some versions are incompatible).