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Forum for discussion about kernel-mode development.
 #23133  by RoxinAz
 Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:26 am
I'm loading boot time driver at "System Reserved" or "Boot bus extender(tag = 1)" group.
How can I access file system (even raw)?
I wanna use 'zwopenfile' or 'zwcreatefile' but it didn't work and return 0xc000003a = 'can not find the file specified'
anyone know what is the correct path (filename) for these APIs?

The pathes I tried : "\\Device\\HarddiskVolumeX" , "\\DosDevices\\C:" , "\\arcname\\multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(x)\\windows" , ...
Code: Select all
BOOLEAN FileAccessCheck()

	UNICODE_STRING     uniName;
	HANDLE FileHandle = NULL;
	IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock;
	__asm int 3
	InitializeObjectAttributes(&objAttr, &uniName,OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE,NULL, NULL);
	Status =  ZwCreateFile(&FileHandle,
			DbgPrint("Can't create : %x h\n",Status);
			return FALSE;
		DbgPrint("Created! : %x h\n",Status);
	return TRUE;
 #23139  by EP_X0FF
 Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:55 pm
try L"\\SystemRoot\\test.txt" instead
 #23145  by RoxinAz
 Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:23 am
try L"\\SystemRoot\\test.txt" instead
I tried, but it seems ,these path didn't work at boot time...
Hmmm... Whatever, I don't know how 'ImagePath' of service registries can be recognize by these path then load drivers?!!
 #23148  by TETYYSs
 Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:05 am
Well i did L"\\??\\C:\\test.txt" last time, when I was creating file from kernel-mode.
 #23149  by RoxinAz
 Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:19 am
Well i did L"\\??\\C:\\test.txt" last time, when I was creating file from kernel-mode.
It's not just kernel mode question,even it's boot time loading question...( right after loading ntoskernel , KDCOM and some important dlls ). ;) 8-)
However, symlink and GLOBAL objects are not yet created, so I can't use "\\??\\"
 #23150  by kmd
 Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:37 pm
boot drivers must be located inside system32\drivers directory otherwise windows won't load them. It just like recovery console.

arcname should be available

try \Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\windows\test.txt etc and not C:\ or \??\
 #23151  by tx707
 Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:07 pm
It has to be in the drivers directory and you are calling it wrong. You HAVE TO specify the name which you have but you specified it incorrectly.

 #23170  by EP_X0FF
 Fri Jun 20, 2014 4:54 pm
RoxinAz wrote:
try L"\\SystemRoot\\test.txt" instead
I tried, but it seems ,these path didn't work at boot time...
Hmmm... Whatever, I don't know how 'ImagePath' of service registries can be recognize by these path then load drivers?!!
It seems I don't understand you correctly. You placed your driver right after ntoskrnl and it dependencies, yes?
SystemRoot link created at very early stage of ntos initialization, so it is here, but what is happening when you do usual ZwCreateFile: system using object manager to create a IRP and send it to the corresponding driver. Which is not loaded, so service fails. If you have WRK you can investigate how Windows itself manages drivers loading at boot stage.
 #23171  by Cr4sh
 Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:00 pm
I'm loading boot time driver at "System Reserved" or "Boot bus extender(tag = 1)" group.
How can I access file system (even raw)?
You can't do that because disk and file system drivers are not initialized at this point.
But it's possible to register notification routine (with IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification) that will be called by kernel when appropriate devices and drivers will be ready.
 #23186  by kmd
 Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:13 am
so how does windows itself then loads boot drivers?