On Windows x64, when a process is protected by ObRegisterCallbacks (blocks CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, NtOpenProcess, etc), is there a way to enumerate the modules that are currently loaded in the process?
Process Hacker seems to have no problem doing this even without the use of its driver. Though it still can't terminate/suspend/etc the process.
I think you can still use SetWindowsHookEx to inject a DLL when the process is protected, but Process Hacker doesn't seem to call SetWindowsHookEx and is doing it another way.
Process Hacker seems to have no problem doing this even without the use of its driver. Though it still can't terminate/suspend/etc the process.
I think you can still use SetWindowsHookEx to inject a DLL when the process is protected, but Process Hacker doesn't seem to call SetWindowsHookEx and is doing it another way.