I apologize, there seems to be some confusion on my end whether this infection actually patches .exe's or not. I know it patches .html files with vbscript (have seen this myself). I am getting mixed messages on whether or not the infection patches legitimate .exe's like Virut.BM did.
Can anybody answer that has studied this? Thanks in advance.
Has anyone seen a detection tool that simply detects the presence of the virus? We have had to make our own detection tools and they are not as robust as they could be. We need to be able to use the tool freely without having to pay for it or get into a contract. Thanks in advance.
Norton will also now (actually be a few weeks) remove the vscript from the .htm(l) files without deleting the .htm(l) files, so the file is back to a pre Ramnit state.
The only thing is if the "desktoplayer.exe" running is one that is not detected, you just end up going around in circles, .exe, .dll and .htm(l) files cleaned, desktoplayer still running so just reinfects the .exe, .dll and .htm(l) files again, around and around we go.