I'm trying to inject my exe payload into remote process. I allocated memory in remote process, I converted raw payload using RVA addressation. I applayed relocations and imports table.
When I'm testing my solution in Windows 10 environment it works fine. Exe is injected and it runs properly, and shows me message box.
But when I'm trying to do the same on Windows 7 64bit(loader, payload and target are compiled in 0x86 mode), I have an error:
Here is my main code to inject pe to remote process:
When I'm testing my solution in Windows 10 environment it works fine. Exe is injected and it runs properly, and shows me message box.
But when I'm trying to do the same on Windows 7 64bit(loader, payload and target are compiled in 0x86 mode), I have an error:
Access violation executing location 0x7698FD1EI checked, and this address is an MessageBoxA function's address from user32.dll library
Here is my main code to inject pe to remote process:
Code: Select all
Why these differences between windows 10 and windows 7 appears?char* target_n = "InjectTarget.exe";
char* payload_path = "C:\\Users\\pb\\source\\repos\\pe-dumper\\Debug\\DummyApp.exe";
FILE* raw_payload = get_file_buffer(payload_path);
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS inth = get_nt_headers(raw_payload);
DWORD kImageSize = inth->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
DWORD kTargetProcId = get_process_id(target_n);
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, kTargetProcId);
if (hProcess == NULL) {
printf("Error: Process handle is NULL\n");
LPVOID imageBaseRemote = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, NULL, kImageSize, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if (imageBaseRemote == NULL) {
printf("Error: Image base remote is NULL\n");
copy_raw_to_image_local(imageBaseLocal, raw_payload);
adjust_relocations(imageBaseRemote, imageBaseLocal);
DWORD bytesWritten;
if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, imageBaseRemote, imageBaseLocal, kImageSize, &bytesWritten)) {
printf("Cannot write to remote process!\n");
LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE routine = ((ULONG_PTR)imageBaseRemote + inth->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint);
DWORD threadId;
HANDLE hThread = CreateRemoteThread(hProcess, NULL, NULL, routine, NULL, NULL, &threadId);
if (hThread == NULL) {
printf("%d", GetLastError());
VirtualFree(imageBaseLocal, kImageSize, MEM_RELEASE);