A lot of those screenlockers/ransomewares still lock the screen up if run via Sandboxie needing a reboot to get back control of the machine.
The malware is dead on reboot but to save a reboot and kill the sample without a reboot you could run the below batch file before executing any screenlockers via Sandboxie which will open a CMD window and run Sandboxie's terminate command every 20 seconds whilst the CMD windows is open.
Replace "DefaultBox" with the name of the sandbox you are using for testing.
The malware is dead on reboot but to save a reboot and kill the sample without a reboot you could run the below batch file before executing any screenlockers via Sandboxie which will open a CMD window and run Sandboxie's terminate command every 20 seconds whilst the CMD windows is open.
Replace "DefaultBox" with the name of the sandbox you are using for testing.
Code: Select all
::20=20 sec.
@echo off
ping -n 20 > nul
start "" "C:\Program Files\Sandboxie\Start.exe" /box:DefaultBox /terminate