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 #10361  by madaboo
 Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:21 pm

Today I've got new question:
What's wrong with this code:
Code: Select all

typedef struct _idt_entry
	USHORT base_lo;
	USHORT sel;
	UCHAR always0;
	UCHAR flags;
	USHORT base_hi;
} idt_entry, *pidt_entry;

typedef struct _idt_ptr
	USHORT limit;
	ULONG_PTR base;
} idt_ptr, *pidt_ptr;

void fun()
        idt_ptr p_idt;
        RtlZeroMemory(&p_idt, sizeof(idt_ptr));

	KERNEL_DEBUG(("IDT base address is : %x, limit : %x\n", p_idt.base, p_idt.limit));

Output is as follows: IDT base address is : 8003, limit : 7ff
In windbg idtr is 8003f400...

So what is going on?
Thanks for any help!
 #10363  by EP_X0FF
 Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:52 pm
Replace your declaration with
Code: Select all
typedef struct _DESCRIPTOR {
    USHORT  Pad;
    USHORT  Limit;
    ULONG   Base;
 #10366  by Brock
 Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:17 pm

Assuming you're on x86 it looks like the IDT base address is being truncated because of wrong structure size. Check sizeof(_idt_ptr)... if it's not 6 bytes this would explain why. Most likely it is using an 8 byte structure instead which is not what you want, obviously.
 #10402  by madaboo
 Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:34 am
Yeah, it was beacuse of alignment issues, using pragma pack solved problem,

Thanks a lot for everybody!
 #10431  by madaboo
 Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:20 pm
One more question.

What with multi-processor/multi-core systems... how this registers (I mean idtr and msr) should be handled?

Thanks for every response.
 #10432  by rkhunter
 Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:42 pm
Attach thread to processor (KeSetSystemAffinityThread) and perform command.
 #10436  by madaboo
 Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:51 pm
rkhunter, Thank you for response.

I don;t know if it is really possible, but I'm thinking about case where you have machine which e.g 3 processors and 2 of them has support for sysenter and one not? Is it possible even?
One additional question.. if I attach to processor, then should I check same thing on next one ? Sorry probably this is stupid, but I just want to understand what I'm supposed to do? If I don't need to check it on next processor, then why to use attach to process, and not simply intristic of vs __sidt?
Thank you again for help.
 #10439  by rkhunter
 Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:21 pm
Code: Select all
HANDLE hThread = 0;
PVOID Context = NULL; //your context, optional
InitializeObjectAttributes( &oa, NULL, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL );

Status = PsCreateSystemThread( &hThread, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, &oa, NULL,
	NULL, (PKSTART_ROUTINE)WorkerRoutine, Context );

if( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) )

Status = ZwWaitForSingleObject( hThread, FALSE, NULL );

ZwClose( hThread );

			IN PVOID Context
	for( int i = 1; i <= KeNumberProcessors; i++ )
		KeSetSystemAffinityThread( i );

		//your code
	PsTerminateSystemThread( STATUS_SUCCESS );
 #10440  by madaboo
 Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:44 pm
rkhunter, thank you again,

Maybe my question wasn't clear. I would like to know if it is possible that you have two processors on your machine and one of them is supporting sysenter but second not. And if this situation is possible then how system is gonna work (I assume that with int 2e) - is it correct or maybe this situation is not possible?

Thank you.,