A forum for reverse engineering, OS internals and malware analysis 

Forum for announcements and questions about tools and software.
 #10547  by CloneRanger
 Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:14 pm
Though some of you guys n girls, might like totake a peek @ this ;)


About REMnux

REMnux incorporates a number of tools for analyzing malicious software that runs on Microsoft Windows, as well as browser-based malware, such as Flash programs and obfuscated JavaScript. The toolkit includes programs for analyzing malicious documents, such PDF files, and utilities for reverse-engineering malware through memory forensics.


Malware Analysis Tools Set Up On REMnux

Analyze Flash malware: SWFTtools, flasm, flare, RABCDAsm and xxxswf.py

Interacting with IRC bots: IRC server (Inspire IRCd) and client (epic5)

Observe and interact with network activities: Wireshark, Honeyd, INetSim, fakedns, fakesmtp , NetCat, NetworkMiner, ngrep, pdnstool and tcpdump

Decode JavaScript: Firefox Firebug, QuickJava and JavaScript Deobfuscator extensions, Rhino debugger, JS-Beautify, SpiderMonkey, V8, Windows Script Decoder and Jsunpackn

Explore and interact with web malware: Firefox Tamper Data and User Agent Switcher extensions, TinyHTTPd, Burp Suite Free Edition, Stunnel, Tor , Jsunpackn and torsocks.

Analyze shellcode: gdb, objdump, Radare, shellcode2exe, libemu's sctest

Examine suspicious executables: upx, packerid, bytehist, DensityScout, xorsearch, xortool, TRiD, xortools.py, ClamAV, ssdeep, md5deep, pescanner and Pyew

Analyze malicious documents: Didier Steven's PDF tools, Origami framework, PDF X-RAY Lite, Peepdf, Jsunpackn, pdftk, pyOLEScanner.py and Hachoir

Decompile Java programs: Jad, JD-gui

Perform memory forensics: Volatility Framework with malware, timeliner and other modules, AESKeyFinder and RSAKeyFinder.

Handle miscellaneous tasks: unzip, unrar, strings, feh image viewer, SciTE text editor, OpenSSH server, findaes, Xpdf PDF viewer, VBinDiff file comparison/viewer, FreeMind.
