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Forum for discussion about kernel-mode development.
 #17630  by takep
 Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:58 am
The same status is returned when I use every Altitude ID.

The code:
Code: Select all
bool InstallHooksViaCallbacks()


    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ocr.Altitude, L"323410");
    ocr.RegistrationContext = NULL;

    OB_OPERATION_REGISTRATION operations[4] = {0};

    operations[0].ObjectType = PsProcessType;
    operations[0].Operations = OB_OPERATION_HANDLE_CREATE;
    operations[0].PreOperation = ProcessPreCallback;

    operations[1].ObjectType = PsProcessType;
    operations[1].Operations = OB_OPERATION_HANDLE_DUPLICATE;
    operations[1].PreOperation = ProcessPreCallback;

    operations[2].ObjectType = PsThreadType;
    operations[2].Operations = OB_OPERATION_HANDLE_CREATE;
    operations[2].PreOperation = ProcessPreCallback;

    operations[3].ObjectType = PsThreadType;
    operations[3].Operations = OB_OPERATION_HANDLE_DUPLICATE;
    operations[3].PreOperation = ProcessPreCallback;

    ocr.OperationRegistration = operations;
    ocr.OperationRegistrationCount = ARRAYSIZE(operations);

    PVOID cookie = NULL;

    NTSTATUS st = ObRegisterCallbacks(&ocr, &cookie);

    return true;
 #17637  by EP_X0FF
 Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:19 am
Operations can be mixed, so you don't need 4 op items. Have you tried example from MSDN, Windows 8 Driver Sample -> ObCallback Callback Registration Driver, is it fails for you too?