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 #18346  by skeptre
 Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:29 pm
Hi folks,

I came across a malware which was connecting to a C&C and waiting for commands. I wanted to communicate with it using the commands it is expecting from the C&C but I was unable to do so. I have listed the steps I followed during the process.
Please suggest where I went wrong and if there are more approaches to achieve the same goal:

Post about the Malware (Credits to Contagio):
http://contagiominidump.blogspot.com/20 ... ssucl.html

Attached the malware.

Malware Behavior:
1. As soon as it is executed it tries to connect to claco.kicks-ass.net at port 4001
2. Sends information about the infected machine using the following format
|NEW_HELLOW| username + machine name + port + build |/NEW_HELLOW/|
3. Waits for commands from the C&C

Command List:
1. Malware is written in Microsoft Visual C# / Basic .NET so it can be decompiled using a .NET decompiler like Reflector (http://www.red-gate.com/dynamic/product ... r/download)
2. In reflector access the “con_DataReceived” module to view the commands
3. The command that I try in this case is |SERVERSION|

Communicate with the C&C:
1. Modify hosts file of the infected machine A
a. Add an entry that redirects the traffic for claco.kicks-ass.net to machine B
2. On machine B, open a Netcat listener for port 4001
nc –l 4001
I am able to see the announcement message sent by the malware to its C&C

3. I tried the following way to get a response from the malware:
a. Created a comm.txt file with |SERVERSION| and passed it to nc
i. Cat comm.txt | nc –l 4001
ii. Nc –l 4001 < comm.txt

It would be great if you guys can suggest more approaches. Also post some samples where you were successful in communicating with the malware, that would be a good exercise.

Password: infected
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 #18355  by r3shl4k1sh
 Wed Feb 27, 2013 6:33 am
fakenet analyzer is a good one (you have there a python interface).

AFAIK netcat send the '\n' character with its response so maybe that is what preventing the malware from getting your response.
The best way to be sure is to run the malware with a debugger and on the recv() (or whatever it uses in .NET) see if it get your response and how it parse it.