If you're an active user/gamer on Steam, you've probably encountered at least one person who has run one of these SteamStealer trojans, spamming around chat and groups with supposed "image" URLs which redirect to files. Here are a few samples I've collected, along with their deobfuscated counterparts where applicable. I've renamed the files to DLL so I don't accidentally run them somehow, they're originally executables. :)
password: infected
(899.46 KiB) Downloaded 88 times
(899.46 KiB) Downloaded 88 times
password: infected
(447.5 KiB) Downloaded 80 times
(447.5 KiB) Downloaded 80 times
password: infected
(200.11 KiB) Downloaded 76 times
(200.11 KiB) Downloaded 76 times