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 #16983  by Quads
 Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:23 am
Had a thought, will have to give it a go,

Will MBAR with its folder on a Flash Drive after the definitions updated run from the Flash drive using the Advanced Repair options in Win7 and Vista, like you would do with FRST

f:\mbar\mbar.exe for instance to startit. That way MBAR could be used to remove Winlockers / Ransomare with also repairing any registry keys Windows needs to startup, (Winlogon, userinit key etc.)

 #17005  by Quads
 Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:33 am
Using the "Repair your Computer" Option, them from that manu Command Prompt, MBAR Starts OK, but as soon as the user clicks scan a BSOD happens, Stop Code 19
