For everyone who interested they are Beebone/Pronny downloaders with VB run pe, anti-forensics, USB autorun and WinRAR usage for self-distribution.
Dump of strings from inside
Code: Select all??? ☻ 2 ♦ / ☻ ☻ c ☻ q $ GetModuleFileNameW ► advapi32 ▬ CloseHandle
♫ connect 0 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot & GetDiskFreeSpaceExW → GetDriveTypeW $ G
etFileAttributesW GetLogicalDrives . GetLogicalDriveStringsW ☻ / ☻ o ↑ Crea
teMutexW GetModuleHandleW ↑ GetUserNameW ▬ ExitProcess ◙ htons & InternetC
loseHandle InternetOpenUrlW → InternetOpenW InternetReadFile ► kernel32
▬ OpenProcess ∟ Process32First ◘ recv ♫ shell32 ☻ [ ☻ ] → ShellExecuteW . S
HGetSpecialFolderPathW ◙ Sleep ♀ socket TerminateProcess ♀ user32 ♫ winine
t $ WriteProcessMemory ¶ WSAStartup ♀ ws2_32 ▲ RegCreateKeyExW ∟ RegSetValue
ExW ▬ RegCloseKey ♫ action= ◙ open= ☻ ☻ \ \ Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre
ntVersion\Run\ x Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\
▲ ShowSuperHidden ▬ autorun.inf ◘ .exe ♦ &h n Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE
7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ↕ [autorun] ♠ exe → useautoplay=1 h abcedfghijklmno
pqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ◙ aeiou * bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz ♠ ico ◘
task ◘ proc ♀ x.mpeg ♀ Secret ◘ Sexy ◘ Porn ↕ Passwords ( BeginUpdateReso
urceW ▲ UpdateResourceW ☻ : ☻ . $ EndUpdateResourceW ◘ .scr ▲ CsrGetProcessI
d ▲ TerminateThread ∟ SetWindowLongW ¶ OpenMutexW → Process32Next ◙ ntdll $ N
tTerminateProcess → gethostbyname $ SetFileAttributesW ▬ DeleteFileW ↕ CopyFi
leW ▲ RegDeleteValueW h SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU
* cmd /c tasklist&&del ? mp3,avi,wma,wmv,wav,mpg,mp4,doc,txt,pdf,xls,jpg,jpe,
bmp,gif,tif,png ☻ , ► RECYCLER ► SetTimer ∟ GetProcAddress → RtlMoveMemory ▬
RegOpenKeyW ◘ .org ∟ RegisterClassW ▲ CreateWindowExW ∟ DefWindowProcW ▬
GetMessageW ¶ ShowWindow ↑ ReleaseMutex ↑ NoAutoUpdate & GetForegroundWindow
∟ GetWindowTextW h Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows ◘ .c
om ◘ .net ☻ = ◙ runme T 8B4C240851<PATCH1>E8<PATCH2>5989016631C0C3 ► <PATCH1
> ► <PATCH2> ∟ FindFirstFileW → FindNextFileW ↕ FindClose " GetShortPathName
W ♠ zip ♠ rar ☻ * ▲ \WinRAR\Rar.exe a -y -ep -IBCK ♫ sbiedll ♫ dbghelp Wri
te ◙ snxhk N SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Disk\Enum ↕ *VIRTUAL* ► *VMWARE* ♀
*VBOX* ♀ *QEMU* RegQueryValueExW ◙ icon= , IMAPI2.MsftDiscMaster2 4 IMAPI
2.MsftDiscFormat2Data 0 IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2 8 IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemIma
ge RemoveDirectoryW * GetVolumeInformationW ◘ CDFS ♠ UDF ▬ ♦ ☺ u??☺ ☻ 0
♦ ,0 Item InitializeDiscRecorder Recorder ClientName IsRecorderSupported
MediaHeuristicallyBlank MultisessionInterfaces ImportFileSystem ChooseImageD
efaults FreeSectorsOnMedia FreeMediaBlocks FileSystemsToCreate Root AddTree C
reateResultImage ImageStream ????????Count VolumePathNames ☺?♦ ♦ ??????
Classic VB crap. VT of unpacked ... 376277142/