Hello everyone
In my Syscall Hooker, I want to print the values of hooked-syscall arguments; I've defined a function for each data type (save_HANDLE, save_ULONG, save_PUNICODE_STRING ...) that writes the value of that argument to a file.
Before designing this save_XXX functions, everything worked correctly, but now I've BSOD in save_PUNICODE_STRING.
Is there anything wrong with my save_UNICODE_STRING ?
In my Syscall Hooker, I want to print the values of hooked-syscall arguments; I've defined a function for each data type (save_HANDLE, save_ULONG, save_PUNICODE_STRING ...) that writes the value of that argument to a file.
Before designing this save_XXX functions, everything worked correctly, but now I've BSOD in save_PUNICODE_STRING.
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I call it like this:
void save_UNICODE_STRING(HANDLE fileHandle,WCHAR* name, PUNICODE_STRING value)
size_t cb;
IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock;
WCHAR* msg;
msg = (WCHAR*)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool,255 * sizeof(WCHAR), 'abWd');
RtlStringCbPrintfW(msg,255 * sizeof(WCHAR),L"%wZ:%d\"%wZ\"\n",name,(value->Length)/2,value);
RtlStringCbLengthW(msg, 255 * sizeof(WCHAR), &cb);
ZwWriteFile(fileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatusBlock,msg, cb, NULL, NULL);
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I analyzed the crash dump file and the exact point of crash is after RtlStringCbPrintfW. ....
save_UNICODE_STRING(fileHandle,L"ValueName",ValueName); // ValueName is a PUNICODE_STRING (its the argument of hooked ZwSetValueKey)
Is there anything wrong with my save_UNICODE_STRING ?
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The rest is the madness of art
Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task.
The rest is the madness of art