what also seems interesting is
"File Disinfection Framework: Striking Back at Polymorphic Viruses"
"File Disinfection Framework: Striking Back at Polymorphic Viruses." The research was presented by Reversing Labs. They presented an open source cross-platform x86-x64 library that enables its user to unpack, disinfect, and build PE32/PE32+ files. The framework also has an x86 emulator written from scratch, which supports multiple processes in parallel windows object such as handles, mutex, and environment. It also provides tools that can aid in writing disinfection routines such as automatic binary profiling with search for the presence and location of the virus stub.
http://blog.fireeye.com/research/2012/0 ... 2012-.html
So actually,Virut and Sality will be rendered "useless" !? .