A forum for reverse engineering, OS internals and malware analysis 

 #13717  by Brock
 Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:01 am
I think stealthy isn't quite properly defined for the masses, including myself. EP_X0FF recommended "indirection" to terminate a process, in this case taskkill with PID of the target process, meaning having launched another program to do its termination bidding. Another person might argue that if the target process is GUI with window(s) then flood them with wm_close/quit/destroy messages etc. since no thread or process object need be opened directly by the caller process. Regardless, I think this subject from usermode is rather in the eye of the beholder unless more information is presented...

 #13752  by EP_X0FF
 Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:02 am
The trouble with all your posted methods is that they are not stealth even on 0.0001%
 #13877  by Mut4nt
 Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:28 am
Mr.Bojangles wrote:
Mut4nt wrote:the trouble is that using the EP_X0FF method, it's so weak with it can not even finish the process of any AV :P
Most people in this field don't make kill solutions, most of them cause segfaults anyway without ordered patching of all the NDIS and DKOM mods most AVs do today. Unless you're talking about garbage AVs by marketing companies that do ~3 old documented patches and userland stuff, you can kill those from a dropper under low-right ACLs as long as they are FUD..

EDIT:AVs are for noobs, that why everyone here can reverse them and circumvent them(sarcasm). SONAR has almost 28 NDIS patches in just one driver..
Well, for that reason I like working kernel mode and all us, because we do what we want :D