Lets say we have an upper filter driver, this driver filtrates IRP_MJ_READ/WRITE/DEVICE_CONTROL requests. All these requests (data) have to be passed back to user-mode process (not the same process which generates these IO requests...) which dispatches received data (it isn't important what the process is doing with received data...) and at the same time filter driver passes filtrated requests down to the lower driver. Size of intercepted data is rather small < 512bytes. Now I'm looking for fastest and universal (Windows 2000 - Windows 7) method of transferring data from kernel mode (PASSIVE_LEVEL) to user mode (other process address space) without losing data and inserting useless delays. I wouldn't like to say anything about methods I'm testing now, because I don't need to suggest anything to you. I don't care if proposed method is or isn't documented, crucial for me information is if this method allows to transfer mentioned data immediately.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions,
Thank you in advance for your suggestions,
I am Jack's NULL pointer (actual e-mail contact.ntinternals_at_gmail.com)