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 #6241  by EP_X0FF
 Sun May 08, 2011 2:22 am

Out of interest - how do you want to program drivers, if you don't know even Delphi not talking about pascal?

IntToStr undeclared? Cannot be accessed through SysUtils? Write your own! (translate this from C to pascal http://www.daniweb.com/software-develop ... ads/112738)

there will be
Code: Select all
procedure IntToStr(value: integer; outbuf: PAnsiChar);
and then

Code: Select all
   abuf = array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of char;

//others declarations

   tmp: abuf;
   dwDataSize: DWORD;
//others declarations
   RtlZeroMemory(tmp, sizeof(tmp));
   IntToStr(1234, @tmp);
   dwDataSize := strlen(tmp);
//other operators
   RtlCopyMemory(pReadDataBuffer, tmp, dwDataSize);
Writing drivers on Delphi is some sort of greatest perversion even exists in programming world. Stop using that crap and move to C world, Pascal language has no future especially in case of drivers programming.
 #6243  by kmd
 Sun May 08, 2011 5:41 am
josaga wrote:
Buster_BSA wrote:Try this:

pReturnData := PChar(IntToStr(1234));

It still Undeclared identifier. ><
use RtlIntegerToChar