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 #3129  by Tesk
 Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:23 pm

I was wondering if anyone know of a tool which can be used to sort malware (Linux/Windows) in the "original" way.

First, name the file after its MD5 hash.

It will now look like e.g: 0c092e922aedc80a6e063a39c3e22f3f.exe

Then create a folders and subfolders like this:

And after maybe doing that for each character, save the file inside the last folder. It should check for duplicates too. Does anyone know of such a software for any platform? I have a 300+ GB malware collection which I would like to get a bit more control of.
 #3130  by Tesk
 Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:31 pm
I have found VS2000 GUI to do the job for me. Now I only have to unpack 300 GB malware and process it - it is going to be a very heavy job for me server.... :P