Got this piece of MBR code from bitlock2
I was wondering where I can find the decryption key in this
Got this piece of MBR code from bitlock2
I was wondering where I can find the decryption key in this
Code: Select all
data segment at 7FCh is outside the MBR code, right? seg000:001D xor al, ds:7FCh
Code: Select all
seg000:0000 pushad
seg000:0002 cld
seg000:0003 mov si, 7C00h
seg000:0006 mov di, 600h
seg000:0009 mov cx, 200h
seg000:000C rep movsb
seg000:000E mov bx, 7C2Ch
seg000:0011 sub bx, 7C00h
seg000:0015 add bx, 600h
seg000:0019 mov cx, bx
seg000:001B loc_1B: ; CODE XREF: seg000:0028j
seg000:001B mov al, [bx]
seg000:001D xor al, ds:7FCh
seg000:0021 mov [bx], al
seg000:0023 inc bx
seg000:0024 cmp bx, 7FBh
seg000:0028 jnz short loc_1B
seg000:002A jmp cx