EP_X0FF wrote:0ffby1 wrote:The only anomaly I know of is the fewer 2500+ native sector difference from the past known sector count.
Current: sectors +488394752
Should be: +488397386
Who told you these numbers? Do you want to say your HDD increased it's size physically?
I'm saying there is a decrease in Native size from +488397386 to +488394752 as reported by aswMBR.
To validate the current and Native I'll have to find my ubcd and spin it up.
When using ubcd (not 4win) to look at the HDD, I used every tool on it that would run to see what the tools do and report about the HDD, in the past.
Seatools, when reset to "Native Max Size" states +488397386 as my sector count.
The Native size gets altered at a later time after a wipe, though not exactly sure at what point.